Wednesday, December 2, 2009

All Elf. All the Time.

I can see a theme to this month's postings. Day 3 of Jacque-Jacque's (she named him, so don't look at me) stay and, well, let's just say it's a love/hate relationship. Above all else, though, there is a trust issue. Ellie is not sure that the Elf is entirely on her side, and she has some questions about his background and the extent of his abilities.

1. How do we know Santa sent him and he's not from somewhere else?
2. What if Santa gives him my present for the advent calendar and he keeps it for himself?
3. Do elves like chocolate? (That relates directly to #2 as all advent gifts involve chocolate.)
4. What if I do something bad while he's with Santa? Will he know?
5. Can he get into my school?
6. Does he have to let the teacher know he's there?
7. Does he know where my classroom is?
8. Does he know why I sit in the thinking chair, or does he think I'm sitting just because?
9. Do Elves like carrots, because he can have mine? (I wonder if they like broccoli.)
10.How do we know he's the same elf that was here last year? Maybe they're confused.

This is THREE days in people!!!! I need the name of a guy that create a fake indentity for Jacque-Jacque. I'm not sure I can keep up.


  1. I have trust issues regarding the elf as well. I can't trust an elf that looks like that....creepy. Almost as creepy as the elves Mom has that chill on that ladder in the living room. If you ask me, I wouldn't trust an elf, period.

  2. Ha Ha! I love all the questions, we get most of them too. And I love Amy's comment. When I was little my grandmother had the same "elfs" around her house, but we called them "fairies" for some reason.

    The elf is also a lot of pressure on parents to remember to move him! I have jumped up in the middle of night to run downstairs to move him.

  3. Well to make the elves at my mom's house less creepy, we like to pose them in compromising positions. Its makes them more, how shall we say, umm, flamboyant.

  4. Yeah, they sort of look like little hairdressers or interior decorators. I've been good with repositioning him so far, but I'm bound to forget.
